
NVIDIA Jetson Orin PyTorch Errors

 1. Speechbrain AttributeError: module 'torch.distributed' has no attribute 'is_initialized'      Fix : .local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/speechbrain/utils/               def ddp_barrier():                 if torch.distributed.is_available():                         if torch.distributed.is_initialised():                              torch.distributed.barrier() 2. ros2 foxy     setup_tools : 58.2.0     and for all packages inside " setup.cfg":         >> script_dir          >> install_scripts                    

My Coursera Financial Aid Application!

Application 1: For aerial robotics (UPenn Robotics Specialization) 1. Why are you applying for Financial Aid? I am a sixth semester student from India pursuing Bachelor in Technology in Electronics and Communication engineering. I looked on the contents of this course and I feel it as an ideal place to gain knowledge. But when I got to know that for availing assignments and certification it has to be paid, for some reasons I looked for some other alternatives. Currently my father is in lot of debts already and can only afford my tuition fees (which is currently on academic excellence scholarship) for undergraduate studies, so I don't want this to be as burden on him. As of now I don't have any source of income and hence it would be difficult for me to gather such amount for certification. This certification will make be recognizable in industry and will help me in internships and if possible specializations further. I am deeply interested in developing my career in robotic...

Face Detection using OpenCV in Robot Operating System Environment | ROS

Project outcomes from my learning of a very important and industry oriented tool - ROS. Project Link : These projects were developed using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. "detect_face" is a ROS package for face recognition using webcam of linux based workstation. For running this package in ROS environments, initialise the ROS master node. ($ roscore) The python node inside the package uses '/usb_cam/image_raw' ROS topic so this topic can be initiated by running 'usb_node' node with pixel format = 'yuyv' ($ rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node _pixel_format:=yuyv) Once the webcam starts, now run our python node -> ($ rosrun detect_face IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to change the location of the haar cascades in with your haar file location.

Digital and Analog VLSI Cadence Schematics and Transient, DC, AC Responses

This is my original work on  VLSI Cadence Virtuoso  layouts and schematics. I would like to share this and hoping will this help you in your projects.  Link : Thanks You!

C++ Project (Class 12th)

Hi guys! Check out my new C++ project on Hotel Management which I made for my CBSE Computer Science practicals. I tried to include most of C++ concepts which are taught in high school. For better use of this software use "Codeblocks" compiler. Comment if you like this software! Links - 1:   More about software            2:   .cpp file    


CLICK HERE TO GET FULL SOLUTIONS WITH OUTPUTS : HERE Tables used :- PRACTICALS AVAILABLE :- 1. Create the table Employee and Department. Insert data in a table 2. Insert data in the table Employee and Department. Simple Select 3. Display the details of all the employees. 4. Display the Salary, Zone, and Grade of all the employees. 5. Display the records of all the employees along with their annual salaries. The Salary column of the table contains monthly salaries of the employees. The new column should be given the name “Annual Salary”. Conditional Select using Where Clause 6. Display the details of all the employees who are below 30 years of age. 7. Display the names of all the employees working in North zone. 8. Display the salaries of all the employees of department 10. Using NULL 9. Display the details of all the employees whose Grade is NULL. 10. Display the details of all the employees whose Grade is not NULL. Using DISTINCT Clause 11. Display the...

New Junck introduced !

Get solved questions of class 12th Computer Science Practicals @ Junckmaster blog. Below is the link and the list of practicals which you can get at Junck. Link :- C++ Practicals Practicals which you will get: ------------- 1 .To create a program to read a string and print it afte r replacing each of  its  capital alphabets by the corresponding small alphab et and each  small  alphabet by its corresponding capital alphabet.  2 .To take input of elements in an array and display it in reverse order. 3 .Write a program to input elements in a 2D array, display this array in matrix form and then display the sum of main diagonal elements of this array. 4. Write a function to check whether a given string is palindrome or not. 5. A  class STUDENT has data members: Name, Roll Number, Marks of 5 subjects, Stream and member functions Public members of the class: getdata() - To input the data and invoke assign() showdata() - To display...