My Coursera Financial Aid Application!

Application 1: For aerial robotics (UPenn Robotics Specialization)

1. Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

I am a sixth semester student from India pursuing Bachelor in Technology in Electronics and Communication engineering. I looked on the contents of this course and I feel it as an ideal place to gain knowledge. But when I got to know that for availing assignments and certification it has to be paid, for some reasons I looked for some other alternatives. Currently my father is in lot of debts already and can only afford my tuition fees (which is currently on academic excellence scholarship) for undergraduate studies, so I don't want this to be as burden on him. As of now I don't have any source of income and hence it would be difficult for me to gather such amount for certification. This certification will make be recognizable in industry and will help me in internships and if possible specializations further. I am deeply interested in developing my career in robotics and lack of any other options I am applying for financial aid.

2. How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?

Its been two and a half years that i am doing all of my projects in embedded systems and robotics and I always faced difficulty in getting completed technical knowledge behind my developments. I was always interested in getting to know the physics behind the robots and that is what made me to explore this domain further. I am currently working on topic - "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Agriculture" and I am happy to inform you that my work is selected by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for getting funded (for availing development related components). It’s a challenging work for me to know each and everything working in background and I feel this course will surely be helping me to design an aerial robot for above mentioned. After my undergraduate studies I will also move further for higher studies and do my specialization in robotics domain. Hence I look this course very much necessary to start developing my career in what I love to do.

3. If you answered no, please help us understand why.

As said earlier, there is no source of income for me and if this course becomes a low-interest loan then it will put me in a difficult situation to think and afford further. I see this as an opportunity to excel in my career and it would be very kind & generous if I can get this course at no cost.

Application 2: For computational motion planning (UPenn Robotics Specialization)

1. Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

I am a third year undergraduate student from India and I am very passionate in the field of robotics. I am having hands-on experience with embedded systems and robotics projects in my period of undergraduate studies. My father is the only one in my family who takes care of my fees for my study going right now. He manages this tuition fees by availing some student loans for which he has to pay interests every month so he is not in the position to afford any other fees further. As no other source of income for me, financial aid is the only option for me to move ahead and gain some knowledge in the field of robotics. This course and with my hard work, it will surely help me stand out of others but paying for this certification will hinder my progress in this field. So hereby request you to kindly grant me this financial aid and let me explore this field further.

2. How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?

I interested in pursuing for higher education in the field of automation. With my interest in this field, I always eagerly try to search for resources which will help me to excel in my career. Recently I completed my course on aerial robotics which taught some interesting insights in this field, existing work which is being carried out at foreign universities. I came to learn about Control Algorithms, Trajectory Planning and sensing. I currently working on a project based on Crop Monitoring using UAV and this project is funded by department of science and technology, Government of India. The course which I had earlier really helped me a lot in achieving some goals. And I feel to move a step ahead, this course on Computational Motion Planning will help to achieve further more tasks to designing my robot. So I see this course as an opportunity for gaining some more knowledge and build some more interesting projects.

3. If you answered no, please help us understand why.

Earlier mentioned, with non-availability of any income source for me, I cannot afford for any low-interest loans for this course. It will put me in a trouble to arrange even a single penny for my learning. I see this course as an opportunity to go further on robotics field exploration and it would be very kind & generous if I can get this course at full fee waiver.


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