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Get solved questions of class 12th Computer Science Practicals @ Junckmaster blog. Below is the link and the list of practicals which you can get at Junck.

Link :- C++ Practicals

Practicals which you will get:-------------

1.To create a program to read a string and print it after replacing each of its capital alphabets by the corresponding small alphabet and each small alphabet by its corresponding capital alphabet. 

2.To take input of elements in an array and display it in reverse order.

3.Write a program to input elements in a 2D array, display this array in matrix form and then display the sum of main diagonal elements of this array.

4.Write a function to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.

5.class STUDENT has data members:
Name, Roll Number, Marks of 5 subjects, Stream and member functions
Public members of the class:
getdata() - To input the data and invoke assign()
showdata() - To display the data
It also has a private member function assign() to assign stream on the basis of the table given below:
96% or more Computer Science
91% - 95% Electronics 
86% - 90% Mechanical
81% - 85% Electrical
75% - 80% Chemical
71% - 75% Civil
Write a program to define a class STUDENT and input the marks of n(<=10) students and for each student allot the stream. Then display on screen.

6.Write a program to input a text file name, read the contents of the file
and create a new file named COPY.TXT, which shall contain only those
words from the original file which don’t start with
an uppercase vowel(i.e., with ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘O’, ‘U’). For example,if the original file contains:---
The First Step To Getting The Things You Want Out Of Life is This: Decide What You Want.- Ben Stein
Then the text file COPY.TXT shall contain:---
The First Step To Getting The Things You Want Life is This: Decide What You Want.- Ben Stein .

7.Create a text file (w/o using any C++ program) containing the names of
students and their marks in the following format:
Ajay 350
Vijay 340
where name and marks are separated by either a space or a tab and
end of line is a record separator. Write a program to read this file and display the records in two columns name and marks. 

8.Write a program to input two matrices, find their sum, difference, or
product depending upon user’s choice, and then display the resultant
matrix along with the original matrices.

9.Write a menu driven program which allows the user to perform the following functions on a queue (Linked implementation): 
1) Insert 2) Delete 3) Display 

10.Write a program to create a linked list in which each node contains
the roll number and marks for a student of a class. Then display a list
of all those students whose marks are above 50.

11.Declare a structure telerec in C++, containing name (20 characters)
and telephone number. Write a program to maintain a file of
telephone records. The program should allow the following functions
on the file:
1) To append records in the file.
1) Display the name for a given telephone number. If the telephone
number does not exist then display error message "record not
2) Display the telephone number(s) for a given name. If the name
does not exist then display error message "record not found".


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