
Showing posts from February, 2020

Face Detection using OpenCV in Robot Operating System Environment | ROS

Project outcomes from my learning of a very important and industry oriented tool - ROS. Project Link : These projects were developed using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. "detect_face" is a ROS package for face recognition using webcam of linux based workstation. For running this package in ROS environments, initialise the ROS master node. ($ roscore) The python node inside the package uses '/usb_cam/image_raw' ROS topic so this topic can be initiated by running 'usb_node' node with pixel format = 'yuyv' ($ rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node _pixel_format:=yuyv) Once the webcam starts, now run our python node -> ($ rosrun detect_face IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to change the location of the haar cascades in with your haar file location.

Digital and Analog VLSI Cadence Schematics and Transient, DC, AC Responses

This is my original work on  VLSI Cadence Virtuoso  layouts and schematics. I would like to share this and hoping will this help you in your projects.  Link : Thanks You!